This is our 180 Piece Deluxe Wooden Car/Automobile Token Set. What is this for? It contains 30 of each of our smart looking automobile/car tokens that are perfect for any board game that requires tokens like this. Use them to supplement your Ticket To Ride tokens, add pizaz to any game such as F1, Automobile, or even go crazy with them in PitchCar (hey, it COULD work). Dimensions: 30 mm long x 15 mm high x 5 mm thick You are getting 30 car tokens in each of our 6 most popular token colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Black, and Red.
Individual Car Token Dimensions:
Length-19.81mm, Height-13.16mm, Width-7.06mm
Individual Car Token Dimensions:
Length-19.81mm, Height-13.16mm, Width-7.06mm