The Mayday Games Team

What We're About

We take tabletop gaming seriously, because free time doesn’t come around nearly enough in life. And it’s those fussy, esoteric, and admittedly geeky standards that drive us to obsessive excellence. We’re proud of our original games, specialty play pieces, and custom card sleeves, because frankly, they’re good enough for us. And that’s saying something.

Let’s build a better game night! Downtime doesn’t have to run through dullsville. That’s why we make innovative games and premium accessories to keep your good times golden and your collectibles convention ready. Because enjoying your spare time is never a waste.

Say Sorry to the boring board games that have a Monopoly on closet space with fast-paced Mayday originals like Meteor and Walk the Plank! Pass on tabletop traditions to new generations, or gather good buds and good brews for some grown-up fun. With lightning mechanics, eye-catching art, and customer-driven content, Mayday Games is proud to present an all-new, old-fashioned game night.

Oh, hey! Sometimes we get featured in the news too, which is pretty rad.

Our Awesome Team

Some of our team from Essen 2022 above!

Seth Hiatt - Founder, CEO

Making deals and breaking hearts (watch out ladies, Seth is happily married), Seth is the head, heart, and various vestigial organs of Mayday Games. Overseeing everything from production to acquisition, Seth also speaks about 75 languages, including Portuguese, Mandarin, and Dothraki, and has unrivaled taste in outerwear. Seth currently splits his time between the USA and China.  He is in China mostly to work closely with our manufacturers, and because he feels really tall there.  Seth and his wife Kate love travelling the world for the love of board games. Kate doesn't speak much english but she is a huge help at the warehouse when needed and takes the lead at many of the factory meetings.

Jondi - Vice President of Marketing & Sales

Jondi wears a lot of different hats - like a lot of us here at Mayday Games, it's part of working at a small company. We like it that way. When she isn't working on our marketing, social media or our website...she's hanging out with her four cats (yep...four!) who think they're her real co-workers. She's a podcaster in her spare time and, like all of us, loves to play board games - her favorite genre are deck-builders and dexterity games. 

Dave -COO, CFO

Dave has been with Mayday since 2019 and has his bachelors and masters in Accounting.  He has worked as a CFO/Controller at several companies prior to coming on board with Mayday.  He and his beautiful wife Brigit are often found playing board games and enjoy going to board game conventions.  Ok, so Brigit actually loves the conventions more than Dave but they are a great team!

Brigit -CMO

Brigit joined our team in 2023 and brings a wealth of marketing experience to the team.  She previously worked in the hospitality industry for convention-related sales and understands what it takes to build relationship.  She also has a love of board games and of course she and Dave get to work together, which is a big plus! 

Kay -Marketing

Kay has been with Mayday for the better part of a decade.  She started with Mayday helping out with the warehouse in exchange for free games but quickly proved herself and was our warehouse manager for several years.  These days she is in charge of our conventions and also helps out with marketing and of course still finds time to pitch in and help out at the warehouse when needed.  She and her husband Leo love going to conventions and have seen Mayday grow so much over the years.

Melinda -Key Accounts and International Shipping Manager

Melinda has been with us for almost as long as Kay and also worked in the warehouse for several years before moving to the accounting/support side of things.  She now handles several of our largest key accounts as well as most of our international shipping logistics for retail customers.  She and her husband Brian are an amazing help for Mayday!

Curt - Customer Service 

Curt is at the front lines for Mayday Games. When you are missing a piece of your game, and you email reach Curt. If you have any kind of problem...with product to website or if you just want to say hello - you reach our friendly customer service Curt! We sure appreciate his hard work!

Yolanda - Warehouse Manager

Yolanda is a ball of energy and works very hard to ensure everything gets shipped out of our warehouse in Springville UT each work day.  She has a family and is just dipping her feet into the board game pool, but she loves crokinole and is the most responsible of us all!  

Annette and Jeff (not pictured) - Fulfillment Specialists

Annette has been with Mayday several years and started out very part time but has slowly increased her hours.  Jeff has only been with us a few months but since he is full time in the warehouse he has quickly learned how to drive a forklift and carefully stack pallets!  

 Some of our team at the warehouse in Springville, Utah.


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