Note this game is IN STOCK!
Wanna try the game out? Check it out online at Tabletopia HERE.
Sanssouci is the biggest games we have ever done, we are so happy to be offering this title by Michael Kiesling. You may know that name as he is the very talented and respected designer of Azul and several other top games. Sanssouci has been called "the Azul killer" or "Carcassonne, but fun" by many gamers/reviewers and we are confident you will love this game! It is a Spiel des Jahres (German Game of the Year) Finalist (list HERE)! Sanssouci also earned the Dice Tower "Seal of Approval" and the power of critics' recommendations can't be overstated.
Check out the all new Imperial Publishing rulebook HERE. It is only 6 pages, or you can watch the video below.
Don't be deceived by the quick play or the easy-to-learn rulebook, this game has A LOT going for it! It weighs in at 3.39 pounds and has TONS of components!
There are already many, many reviews from this game since it was on the HOTNESS list for Spiel 2022 in Essen Germany and sold out there. Here are just a few: