The Mayday Games Blog

Here at Mayday Games, we are dedicated to creating quality products and family games! Our blog is here to give you a peek behind the curtains of our company and our team!

Crokinole Board Pieces: An In-Depth Guide

Crokinole Board Pieces: An In-Depth Guide

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Cronikole is a thrilling tabletop board game of skill that originated in Canada in the 1870s. Over the last 150 years, it has become widely popular throughout Canada, the United States and worldwide. An annual World Crokinole Tournament, established in 1999, still takes place in Tavistock, Canada, that brings players of all ages to play. The rules are relatively simple, but players can develop strategies that make the game competitive and exciting. The board and accessories can come in unique, customizable designs to tailor to a player's preference and much thought goes into the crokinole board pieces. Basics of Crokinole Board...

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Build Your Very Own Crokinole Board: DIY Tips and Tricks

Build Your Very Own Crokinole Board: DIY Tips and Tricks

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If you're out of ideas for your family gathering — or if you're stuck in your home due to weather, boredom, or illness — play a game of crokinole! A high-quality crokinole board may cost over $100, but the good news is that crokinole board DIY is relatively easy. Crokinole Board DIY Basics To build a crokinole board correctly, you need to understand how the game is played and have a good working knowledge of the purpose of each piece involved. Consider the mini-guide below as a refresher course: The Basics of the Game Crokinole is considered a "flicking" game...

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How to Care for Your Antique Crokinole Board

How to Care for Your Antique Crokinole Board

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Crokinole boards have a rich history. In 1876, Eckhardt Wettlaufer was the first to create the crokinole board as a gift for his son's fifth birthday and over time, it has become popular in Canada and parts of the United States. Today, people are still buying antique crokinole boards for gameplay. Antique crokinole boards should be cared for like any antique furniture. You may have an old board in your attic your grandparents used to play with, or there may be an old board in the cabin your family visits each year. If you are curious about being a part...

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9 Unique Facts About Crokinole History

9 Unique Facts About Crokinole History

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Crokinole is a board game that originated in Ontario, Canada, in the late 19th century and has a rich history with some fun, unusual facts. It is a table game where two to four participants sit across each other with a crokinole board, flicking discs from the outer edge of their section of the board to gain points. People enjoy playing this game in their homes, public areas, and in tournaments. There are many unique facts about crokinole history, as the widely popular 100-year-old game continues today. How Crokinole History Came to Be The oldest known crokinole board was created...

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Crokinole Rules - Basics for Beginners

Crokinole Rules - Basics for Beginners

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As you know, Mayday Games loves the game of Crokinole, but not everyone knows what it is, or even if they do, might not understand the rules of Crokinole. We’re here to help explain the rules and to hopefully inspire you and others to break out a board and start playing this ancient yet addictive game!
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