Mayday News Update 2/10/11

Mayday News Update 2/10/11 Mayday Games continues to grow and in early 2011 relocated to a new warehouse with better docks and a nicer front office.  Mayday Games has been more actively working with other board game companies to better meet demands for board game accessories and components and has reached cooperative agreements with the likes of AEG, Repos Productions and others in recent months.  These agreements include designing or promoting card sleeves for specific titles for these companies and in the case of Albe Pavo, a small Italian publisher, including Mayday card sleeves INSIDE each copy of their flagship game! Mayday has recently released card sleeves specifically designed for 7 Wonders and future prints of this runaway hit will include special offers for 7 Wonders owners.  Mayday also recently released it’s new “Magnum” card sleeve line for larger cards found in games like 7 Wonders, Lost Cities, Dixit and more. Mayday also just recently released an Automobile / Car Token Set (180 tokens, $25 MSRP) to fill the wooden token void found in many Automobile games.  Mayday is also reprinting several of it’s more popular games in the first half of 2011, including one of the only affordable Tournament-sized Crokinole Boards to reach board game distribution channels.  Mayday is also reprinting it’s 2nd run of Hagoth: Builder of Ships and will reprint one of Tom Vasel’s top 100 of all-time favorites Get Bit! after acquiring the rights to this little gem from Robot Martini.  Other titles in the pipe include King’s Vineyard (which had a very small run released at Essen 2010 and immediately sold out) and two other as yet undisclosed games. Mayday also just entered into a partnership with Red Kyron out of Portugal to warehouse and distribute Mayday products more efficiently into France, Germany, Italy and the rest of Europe.  Limited supply of Mayday card sleeves in Europe have caused most retailers there to charge as much as 4,00 euros/pack (over $5) for their $2.25/pack MSRP sleeves. Mayday has also been actively looking for licensing agreements with European companies to distribute popular games that aren’t yet available in the USA and hopes to announce several such agreements in the coming year.
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