Get Bit! Wins Origins Award for 2012 Best Family/Party Game

We had a great time at Origins 2012 this year! The only thing that could have made it any better is if we had won the coveted Origins Award for 2012's Best Family / Party Game. Oh wait ... Get Bit Wins Origins 2012 Award We couldn't be any happier to have won this award. Cheers to Dave Chalker for the great game! We are happy to be part of it's huge success! [caption id="attachment_186" align="alignnone" width="484" caption="Photo used with permission from Dave Chalker."]Get Bit Origins Award by Dave Chalker[/caption] Thanks also to everyone behind the scenes that made Origins a success. And, as always, thanks to our loyal fans! If you haven't picked up a copy of Get Bit! yet, the time's tickin'! Our stock is full, but with the massive amount of press with this award comes an even massiv-er amount of consumer interest. And consumer interest = orders. :) Pick up a copy of Get Bit! today!
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