Best Cascadia Experience: Card Sleeve Types & How to Play

Best Cascadia Experience: Card Sleeve Types & How to Play

Cascadia is a beautiful, simple-to-learn, challenging strategy game set in the Pacific Northwest where players compete to create a harmonious ecosystem. The game allows players to select and populate wildlife in an environment strategically created by carefully placed habitat tiles that form corridors of matching rivers, wetlands, forests, mountains and prairies. As each species has its own spatial requirements, the one to four player game is a challenge to master! The cards included in this game need protection from the wear and tear of their terrain, so ensure you have a complete set of Cascadia Card Sleeves to safeguard them. 

Cascadia Card Sleeves

Cascadia is for players ages ten and up with a thirty to forty-five-minute playtime. Protecting your Cascadia game cards will make them last, especially when young people enjoy the game with snacks and sodas. The game has 15 cards to preserve. Luckily, the cards are all the same size, making your selection a snap. Here are the Cascadia Card Sleeves you need to protect your game cards:

Premium Sleeves

Premium Card sleeves have a quantity of 50 per pack. You will have extra sleeves available when you order the premium set of sleeves.

  • One pack of MDG-7100

Standard Sleeves

Standard card sleeves have a quantity of 100 per pack. Extra sleeves will be available when you order the standard kit sleeves.

  • One pack of MDG- 7152

Cascadia Card Sleeves: Card Sleeve Dimensions

The cards included in Cascadia are all the same size, 70 x 120mm. Their dimensions are equal to those in many similar board games like Lost Cities and others, some of which may already be in your home and could use extra protection! The cards all require repeated play, thus making it essential to keep them well-shielded.

Cascadia Card Sleeves: How to Play the Game

In Cascadia, players take turns drafting Wildlife Tokens and Habitat Tiles, arranging them on the game board in their expanding environment for the duration of the game. As a player, your turn consists of selecting combinations of the tokens to play in your environment to gain points. Scoring points depend on the size of the habitat corridor you've achieved once your turn ends. For instance, if your environment has two pairs of bears, you earn 12 points, a run of 5 salmon is 15 points, two elk are 5 points, and so on. There are scorecards to keep track of points; when filled, the player with the highest score is the winner.

Cascadia Card Sleeves: Get Yours Today!

Now is the time to safeguard all 15 cards in your game, just as you protect your wildlife and endangered species! Keep your cards safe from damage caused by food-stained fingers, dirt, spills and moisture so you can play the game with all of your friends and family for many years. The plastic is more forgiving than the card material, making cleaning easier without degrading them. With proper care, your Cascadia Card Sleeves will survive many adventures in North America, British Columbia and the Yukon Territory, so don't hesitate to order your set today!

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