After 10+ years we are raising our prices on Card Sleeves
We are very sorry, there is no easy way to say this. Since Mayday began selling card sleeves back in 2008 we have NEVER raised the prices of our card sleeves. We have been and remain committed to offering the best value sleeves on the market. But the sad reality is that prices of everything have increased in the last 13 years. In fact just inflation from 2008 to 2021 for the USD is over 27% (see calculation HERE).
We are getting hit with unprecedented shipping costs, a 40’ container last year was under $5,000 to ship from China to the USA and today it is around $20,000. We have also been informed from the factories that our manufacturing cost is increasing in China due to a number of factors including the price increase of raw materials (polypropylene) and increasing salary requirements to attract employees in China (6% this year alone HERE). Unfortunately we are being forced to increase the MSRP of our card sleeves by a very modest amount for the first time in our company’s history. Effective IMMEDIATELY our prices have increased as follows:
All “Mini” sized sleeves are going up from $1.75 per pack to $2 per pack.
All “Standard” sized sleeves are going up from $2.25 - $2.50 per pack to $2.75 per pack
All “Large” sized sleeves are going up from $3.50 per pack to $4 per pack.
All “XL” sized sleeves are going up from $3.95 per pack to $4.50 per pack
No other products are impacted at present but we fully expect MSRPs to increase on future products including games and we will be forced to raise prices on existing games as we go to reprint them.
We realize this is not ideal for any of our customers, please note this increase is well below the 27% inflation over the past 13 years as we work to further cut costs and keep our overhead low.
Seth Hiatt / Mayday Games