3 Best Dexterity Board Games For Kids
In today’s dutifully digitized world, kids can miss out on more than just togetherness when they miss out on board games. That’s because hands-on games, from Mousetrap to Hungry Hungry Hippos, teach important lessons about focus, balance, and patience. Here, we explore some of the most popular family games that come with real dexterity benefits in good old analog.
Click Clack Lumberjack
The next evolution of international smash Toc Toc Woodman, Click Clack Lumberjack lets kids of all ages take a whack at fun. Each player takes turns “chopping” bark while trying not to topple the whole tree. Newly designed, Click Clack Lumberjack takes up less shelf-space than the original, making it portably perfect for camping, travel, or parties. Click Clack Lumberjack stimulates imagination as well as dexterity. Kids love the intricate detail of the molded tree, bark, and lumberjack’s axe. You’ll also love the fast-paced action that keeps everyone excited and involved. Learning highlights: Click Clack Lumberjack teaches concentration, stress management, and balance. It improves manual dexterity, coordination, and control, while rewarding patience and active analysis.
Weykick Tabletop Soccer
Like a foosball table, Weykick Tabletop Soccer stadium lets kids live out their sports fantasies, all the while encouraging focus and decision-making. And families get a kick out of the affordability, since Weykick gets everyone in on the action without a pricey, bulky foosball setup. Weykick Tabletop Soccer features more action than any game on the market, so even today’s tots and tweens get caught up in the fun. We find that it actually has a stronger pull on kids than cartoons, touch screens, and gaming consoles, which is nothing short of a parenting miracle. Learning highlights: Weykick teaches good sportsmanship and self-esteem, just like real soccer. It also encourages hand-eye coordination, quick problem solving, and even a bit of math and geometry. And, because difficulty totally depends on who’s playing, Weykick gets better with the competition.
An American classic since 1965, Operation was probably a part of your childhood. Today’s kids love it for all the same reasons you did—it’s fast, challenging, and a little but loony. Sure the idea of transplant surgery doesn’t sound so cute and cuddly, but millions of children have learned patience, steadiness, and resolve from Operation’s zany mechanics. Using a (hopefully sterile) pair of tweezers, players try their best to remove ailments from an interactive play board. Unsuccessful attempts get a curt buzz, alerting players to the not-so-grave mistake. Learning highlights: Operation teaches patience, humility, and rewards the ability to laugh at oneself. It also improves manual dexterity, hand-eye-coordination, and control. Next game night, why not skip the cards and choose something kids can really get their hands on? Dexterity games have a lot to offer, but the best benefit is always family fun!
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